
Remember Words Synonyms (useful for GRE GMAT and SAT) by reading this story Synonyms - Story 4


Libel, defamation, denigration, misrepresentation, obloquy, slander, aspersion, vilification, malign, traduce, smear, besmirch, tarnish, imputation, vituperation, defile: An abusive attack on a person's character or good name; Place under suspicion or cast doubt upon; Spread negative information about; State of disgrace resulting from public abuse

Story using the above synonyms:

Lives of women in 19th century and prior to that was like a living hell. They had no rights whatsoever. They were not even allowed to leave their home without a man to accompany them. Any reference to women’s education was meted with vile aspersion. Any girl expressing her desire or wish was vilified. Without a choice, she was married at a ripe age. The very thought of obloquy and humiliation that women of those days had to face is sufficient to petrify your senses. But more vulnerable and misrepresented were the lives of the philanthropists and social reformists who worked for the betterment of women and girls’ community as a whole.

Such reformists were looked down upon. Many even besmirched them and tarnished their reputation by tagging them as womanizers. Such were the mindsets of the individuals during those days that they could not accept a woman being treated on equal terms with a man. So they went out of the way to defame and denigrate not only woman who tried to make her life a better place to live in but also men who gave some honor and respect to the women.

Reformists working for women during those days were smeared and slandered. They had to face vituperative remarks. There were many rumors spread to defile their image. Their families had to face the music as well. Their actions and intentions were traduced and unfavorably spoken about. The incidents of Mahatma Jyotirao Phule and his wife Savitribai Phule are not unknown to us. They were imputed of inciting the young girls for taking the wrong path. Stones were pelted at them. Given the libel that they had to face, lesser mortals would have surrendered long back. One can only imagine as to what they had to suffer and how their repute was maligned for a cause that was only meant to give due and equal rights to women in India.

One can only thank the initiatives taken by Mahatma Jyotirao and many others because of whom women now have equal rights and are free to achieve their dreams.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the useful Synonyms to enrich the GRE Vocabulary skills. One need to be aware of 3000+ GRE Words to crack the verbal part f GRE.
